26 July 2006

Settling In

Perhaps despite ourselves or maybe because we are too tired to keep fighting the machine, we are getting settled. It's not perfect right now, but it's a place to live. We have the futon, so we're no longer on the air mattress (although we're going to friend's this weekend and will need to bring it with us). Friends of ours who recently moved in together and have doubles of everything loaned us a tv and a microwave. The rest of our stuff is tentatively arriving between August 8 and August 17. Yeah, that's a wide timeframe. I don't know when they'll be narrowing in on a specific date.

Last night we went to the Red Sox game in Oakland. It was a great game. Very nerve-racking for a few minutes. Oakland came dangerously close to the Sox's lead, then the Sox exploded and pulled away. Final score: 13-5. I met a guy in Mike's office who was there, who is totally Jimmy Fallon's character in
Fever Pitch. Great guy from Massachusetts who is married to the Sox.

I'm tired this morning. I feel like I played the game rather than watched it.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Oh dear Lord- I know those time frames all too well. Hang in there. I know you are. Just think- soon it will all be over. I now give you permission to smack me in the head.