25 February 2007

Lovely Earthquake Weather We're Having

The ground has been shaky lately. I felt an earthquake Friday afternoon and another one last night. And there have been other teeny ones I haven't felt. I check the USGS map regularly, and the ground has been particularly active; it's not just my imagination. Or my giant cat jumping around. I'm not paranoid about "the big one" (well, maybe just a little bit. in a healthy, making sure I have batteries and a week's worth of water kind of way. that's healthy, right?). But it's fascinating. The ground just doesn't do this anywhere else I've lived before. In living here less than a year I've already felt more earthquakes than the 6 years I lived in San Diego. It's kind of a fun break in the day. As long as it's a light quake that doesn't do any harm.

Edited to add: I've also been keeping an eye on the 24-hour Earthquake Forecast map. San Jose is much yellower than usual.

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