13 February 2007

This issue has been a dull thudding within my skull for weeks now, and in saturating myself with MSNBC's all-day political coverage today it's boiling up.

Am I alone in believing a non-binding resolution is a waste of time? Especially since the president has all-but said he's not paying attention to it anyway? Isn't there anything better for Congress to do right now?

No, I'm not insane, but Tucker Carlson is sorta making sense to me. Maybe I'm just tired.


Victoria said...

Do Not fall for that flat preppy ass bastard! He lulls you with his swirling bowties and before you know it you think he's a snappy dresser and are charmed by his evil grin!

Stephanie said...

But he doesn't wear bow-ties anymore. It does, however, look like he might be wearing eyeliner some days.