10 July 2007

"I even skipped going to Burning Man to save money..."

I came across that quote while doing some research to prepare for our European vacation. From the Across the Pond travelblog, a somewhat laboriously detailed, yet informational account of someone's trip to the UK.

Yesterday I learned that the German word for "health food store" is reformhaus, and when I see one in Austria or Germany I should pop in to look for some gluten-free snacks.

I also learned that hexenturm means "witch house," and it can refer to either a house where a witch lived or the prison where captured witches were kept before execution. There's a bookstore in Salzburg called Hexenturm and the owner is apparently a witch history expert. I learned that from the blog A lemon tree of our own.

Hotel rooms and train tickets, who cares? I want to find haunted castles and witch houses and old bookstores.

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