30 April 2008

Movie -- Young@Heart

Last night we saw a truly heart-warming film, Young@Heart. It's a documentary about a senior citizens' chorus from Northampton, Massachusetts, that changed its tune from more traditional "oldies" pop music to classic and modern rock songs from artists like Jimi Hendrix, the Ramones, Talking Heads, the Clash, and Coldplay. The film opens a few months before their next big tour and the exasperated chorus director is trying to teach the group some new songs. We follow the chorus's progress over those months as they struggle with Sonic Youth and James Brown. Can they pull themselves together in time for the big show?

There is nothing bad to say about this film. It's innocent fun. You'll laugh, you'll cry... all that good stuff.

I've been trying all day to embed the trailer from YouTube but either something's wrong with my copy/paster, Blogger, or YouTube. The next best thing is a link to the trailer: Click Here.

It's still playing in D.C. at the E Street Landmark Theatre, next to Metro Center.

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