26 September 2006

I highly recommend you watch, or at least tivo, Heroes tonight when NBC re-runs the premiere. It was great. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did.

I'm so sleepy this morning. Mike had to get up at 4:30. At first I woke up with him and couldn't get back to sleep. Then when I did fall asleep again, I slept until 7:00, when I had to drag myself out of bed and start working right away. I hate when my sleep gets broken up like that. It exhausts me. I wish Grendel knew how to make coffee. I could have used his help this morning.

Sewing update: I'm anxious to cross some items off my Fall Sewing List. On Sunday afternoon I was tired from my race, but I put myself on autopilot and made two simple knit tops from a pattern I've used dozens of times. Yesterday I created a sweater vest pattern from a store-bought sweater, and used my red boucle sweater knit to make a new vest. It's not quite complete, but I crossed it off the list anyway. It's nearly finished and I hope to have it done this afternoon.

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