31 December 2006

My weather sticker says "Light Snow" as of 6:58 this morning. It's too dark outside to see if that's true. Maybe there's snow on top of Mt. Diablo?

The first bout of insomnia that I've had in ages arrived early this morning. I woke up from a series of strange dreams and couldn't get back to sleep. I didn't want to get up, though. The cats were all warm and snuggly with us in bed. It was so peaceful. But I got bored and since I couldn't sleep I came out into the living room. Fed the cats. Made some coffee. Checked out the internets. Grendel has had no problem going back to sleep. Ellie is up with me. (She's my familiar. But, the way she sticks to me like glue lately, Mike wonders if I'm her familiar? Whether I like it or not she has definitely chosen me to be her human.)

New Year's Eve. We don't even have plans, but I'm not that concerned. Resolutions? Not really. Resolutions set you up for failure and disappointment. Diets, quitting smoking, all that jazz. You're not going to wake up tomorrow as a brand new person. You'll still be you, and it will be even harder to start that resolution than you thought because you drank too much and you're too hungover to go running and eat vegetables.

I suppose I have some of the usual goals. Run a little more, eat a bit healthier. Try to sew more fabric than I purchase. Nothing serious. As long as we don't have to move in 2007, it will be a great year.

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