03 November 2008

Vote Early, Vote Often

That's what my dad always tells me.

It's strange being outside of the United States on election day. Instead of staying up late on Tuesday night to watch results roll in state by state, I'll be waking up early Wednesday morning. At 8 pm on the East Coast, it's 3 am here. I'll be groggily wondering if my absentee ballot made it into the right hands at the right time to be counted.

It's no secret that most of the continent is thrilled at the possibility of Obama being president. A few weeks ago my cab driver in Nairobi nearly drove off the road, he was so excited talking about him. (Well, he nearly drove off the road several times for various reasons.) I heard of a theater group in Nairobi producing "Obama! The Musical." We see Obama t-shirts here in Bujumbura. I think Wednesday is going to be an exciting day around here.

Some co-workers and I have been planning an election results viewing party for Burundian co-workers and aquaintances. How do you explain the American election process in French? (Oui, nous parlons francais ici! Or we try to, anyway.) With the handy website America.gov en francais, that's how. It's hard enough explaining the electoral college and the popular vote and conventions and primaries in English.

Happy Election Day Eve! Be sure to get out there and vote tomorrow while I'm here practicing how to say "I voted by absentee ballot" in French.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

So proud to be part of a blue VA- the "real" VA. Ha. Seriously, my tiny county rocks! We made history!

What an amazing day and night yesterday and today is even better. It's like new snow and Christmas all in one!