Again we are treeless this year. I can't stand fake trees, and the only ones you can get here are really, really fake. Real pine trees are rare, but I've spotted a few. However, the ministry of the environment forbids them to be cut down. I have a small "Christmas area" set up with some faux pine branches that don't look too bad, some lights that I bought in town last year, and my Burundian and Mexican creches. I'm not religious, but I was raised Catholic and I've always liked nativity scenes.
Mike's working today so I'm spending the day watching all the Christmas movies that he doesn't like. It seems more obligatory than celebratory though.
I think on Christmas Day we're going to blast the air conditioner and make hot chocolate.
I'm not quite in the Christmas frame of mind myself. I keep saying we need to put the tree up and I'm still procrastinating...
I'm surrounded by stores and the constant commercialism and still don't feel motivated to do anything about it.
Well...may your air conditioner blow really cold air and your hot chocolate be really warm and chocolate-y. Merry Christmas to you and yours in Burundi.
It reminds me of the Whos down in Whoville whose Christmas: "...came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags."
I remember many occasions when I've been traveling and have suddenly realized that it was some holiday or other, yet there were no signs of it anywhere. One year, I celebrated 4th of July in Malawi with a bunch of people from England. Jolly ironic.
Air conditioning and hot chocolate! Thanks for the laugh. Here's wishing you a cool Yule, filled with weirdly heart warming moments.
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