24 September 2012

Another Half Marathon Not Run

Oooooh, it's been a long week. On a whim, I decided to take Muffin on a girls-only vacation to Thailand with some other friends. We left last Saturday night. About an hour before we left for the airport Muffin started coughing. I tossed cold medicines and children's Tylenol into our suitcase. And boy did we need it. She never got a fever but she had a terrible cough and we got very little sleep for our first few nights there. She was a trooper though. She slept more than usual but she was active during her awake time, so we kept up with the beach and the pool, we went to the zoo, we did a little walking and shopping. I was always careful to monitor her grogginess and get her back to our room to sleep when she needed it.

On our second-to-last night, she woke up crying for "Daddy." I tried to comfort her back to sleep but I realized I was so congested I couldn't talk. I was officially sick, too. We actually slept well those last two nights because Muffin was through the coughing phase, but our trip home was a long one, with sinus pain for me and no amount of grown-up Tylenol helping at all. We arrived at midnight on Friday night. I handed Muffin over to Mike, took a full dose of cold medicine (I'd kept myself to quarter doses so I could stay alert enough to monitor Muffin throughout the nights) and slept for nearly 12 hours. When I woke up later on Saturday it was clear I would not be running a half marathon on Sunday morning.

Add to that a bit of a political situation. Hyderabad has had its own small, peaceful part to play in the anti-American protests across the world. The race was in a part of town where Americans are advised not to go due to the threat of protests. I didn't even go watch the race, because you just never know when a small, peaceful protest will turn otherwise.

Now I'm uncertain about my running. I've tried to run two races and I've gotten horribly ill just before race day each time. I don't have any races on the horizon. I'm kind of tired of the 5:00 am wakeup-and-run routine.

My doughnut supplies arrived while we were away. Doughnuts and recovering from this cold first. I'll think about running next week.


Unknown said...

That's hard. I've had that happen to me before. Rest, get better. Races and running ate always there. I'm quitting for a while after my Oct 21 half.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! You poor thing! The political situation sucks, though it's not so bad in Delhi even though they closed the Embassy on Friday. We have our half marathon here this Saturday. Want to come up and run it? :) Muffin and Will can have a playdate while Mama goes and gets her run on :)

Stephanie said...

Hmm, half marathon in Delhi sounds tempting, although Mike's traveling all week, so it's not conducive to me getting better and getting much running done unfortunately.

Vicky, part of the disappointment is that we don't have many races here. Two marathons/halfs and a 10K and the local race season is over. I have to fly to other cities, which is a pain. I'm looking forward to a full race calendar next year in RI.

Natasha said...

Sorry you weren't able to run another race! But obviously injuries and other external factors are beyond our control -- and sometimes it's just good to have a break! 2012 is the first year in several years that I haven't run a race, period after running a marathon the last three years along with other shorter races. I'm kind of bummed, but there was just too much going on ... although I guess 2012 isn't over yet!