I've been in sort of a funk lately. Creatively, I've been cooking a lot. But cooking is not doing anything to help get the house cleaned up and organized. We have a big move looming over us, with the stress of still not knowing exactly where and when. I keep thinking that I have to take control over the things I
can have control over, like the organizational state of the house. But I'm not actually doing anything about it. When I'm stressed out I tend to shut down for a few days at a time.
Stuff needs to be weeded through and sent to Goodwill. Books should be placed on bookshelves so they'll be easier to box up later. Cupboards need to be cleaned out of old food we will never eat. My giant wardrobe full of cloth has to be dealt with.
This weekend I've decided to deal with the cloth.

Several months ago I bought this pattern with the idea that I can use lots of various-sized pieces from my stash. And last night I finally got around to cutting out pieces. These skirts are pretty quick to sew up, once you get the darts and zipper done. My hope is to get rid of some fabric and have some nice new summer clothes to pack into storage this winter, then be thrilled to unpack new clothes next summer. No matter where we end up, there will be summer weather at some point. (Minsk is no longer an option.) So I'm working on skirts right now.
Next weekend maybe I'll work on some
real household stuff.
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