05 February 2011

Pet Assistance for Egypt Evacuees

If you live in the D.C. Metro area and can lend a hand with Americans who are trying to evacuate Egypt with their pets, please contact the Foreign Affairs Friends of Animals Network: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=298021694910

From the group's note:
...AFSA and the Foreign Affairs Friends of Animals Network to help with contingency planning on the DC end. We don’t know how the situation will evolve in the coming days, but one scenario may possibly involve flying the pets to the DC area, in which case a network of volunteers would potentially be needed to provide short-term care for some of these cats and dogs.

Are you in the DC area and interested in lending a hand?

- Let us know if you can meet at the AFSA office, 2101 E Street NW in DC this Saturday or Sunday Feb. 5 or 6 at 2 pm.

- If you can’t come to a meeting this weekend, but are potentially available to provide short-term fostering in the DC area for a USG dog or cat, please let us know that too.
Granted, we should consider these possibilities before we head overseas with our pets, but that doesn't make the decisions any easier once the situation arises. You rarely expect something like this to happen in "your" city or country.

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