29 August 2017

Motivation Monday (On Tuesday): Choose to Help

I motivated myself so much yesterday that I didn't have a chance to even think about blogging. Obviously I haven't done much blogging recently anyway. I have lots of ideas, though, and thought a Motivation Monday (On Tuesday) post would help get me back into the writing flow.

Here's what's up. School started yesterday. I joined many tired-looking parents on the running trail at about 9:05 yesterday morning, just after the school busses finished their rounds of the neighborhood. I ran more than three miles for the first time since the Blessing ten-mile road race about a month ago. My IT band injury has migrated to my hamstring and it hurts like a son-of-a-gun but I have some additional stretches and an icing and heating routine to add to my stretching and running and resting routine. So, it's taking me more time to run fewer miles but I am still confident in my ability to run the Army Ten Miler in October. At the Blessing I tied my time from last year's ATM. I'm hoping to beat that time at this year's ATM.

I'm also doing some writing things and working on book reviews to share.

I made an appointment to donate blood today. Whether it stays in my community or gets sent to Texas, it's one of the few things that costs no money but will greatly benefit someone else. If you want to help, too, look for a blood donation drive in your area or send money directly to benefit Texas: Click here. It doesn't matter who the president is or what Congress is up to. We can choose to help, even from a distance.

I also voted in our county school board election today. Local elections make the biggest impact on the community.

What have you done to serve your community today?

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